I was thrilled to see this pop up in my inbox this morning. I think there is a real need for a voice like yours and dialogue on spaces like this. A question for you/us to ponder.: Where are the rabbinic voices denouncing 47s policies? The episcopal bishop gave a sermon that should have come from the mouths of our liberal religious leaders. We were present and vocal during the civil rights movement. Why are we AWOL now? Or am I just out of the loop enough to not have heard those voices? Again. Welcome! I hope you’ll post frequently. And FWIW, you were on my follow list due to The Contrarian.

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Found this in my mailbox this morning

Not much to say. So I make it short

Now we have a ceasefire? Really?

My biggest issue is that everyone rants about Oct 7th as if that was the trigger. It was a last cry for Palestine that has been under siege and inhumane conditions for a long time

It is swept under the rug.

As far as democratic loss. - neither Biden, nor Harris really addressed anything except Israel has a right to defend themselves

Where was that compassion for Palestine?

In my opinion it would have been more just to give Israel the same weapons that Palestinians have

Well got longer than I thought

End of rant

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What is your take on the ADL excusing Musk’s salute ?

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I have a lot of thoughts on this piece, but I will keep it to one. Based on the people I know, it took Trump running for Jews to vote 70% Dem. The party and especially the base spent a full year making sure we Jews knew we are not welcome if we support Israel. Where were the Jewish members of Congress in those hearings with university presidents? Elise fuckng Stefanik was our defender? Really? Influencers we used to look up to are happy to demonize us and tokenize the few Jews who are antizionist. And just yesterday AOC was there to goysplain antisemitism to the ADL (their statement was garbage btw), but she has no problem with friends like Rashida map-without-Israel Tlaib and Ilhan Benjamins Omar. Put it all together and I think just about any Republican candidate other than Trump would have been much closer to a Jewish vote around 50/50.

I have voted Dem most of my life, but if this shit continues that will change. The Democratic Party is trying hard to convince me to take my money and vote elsewhere. Maybe tell your colleagues to stop.

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A skilled piece of public relations that puts a smiley face on a hostile situation. Your Pollyanna prescription to argue for free speech reminds one of the double-speak of an Orwellian world because there is no free speech on elite college campuses. This was the fake arguments of the college presidents compelled to testify before Congress. Only voices who violate the religious dogma at those religious institutions shout down any heterodox views as frightening and heretical.

Could one speak out against DEI policies? Not at MIT. Could you argue against the claim that men can give birth or women impregnate? The only protected speech is antisemitic speech.

Look at Columbia’s response to Professor Massad, someone who praised Hamas’ barbaric violence against Jews is teaching a course on Zionism. He will not release a syllabus nor will he admit anyone not among the 60 taking his “course” to observe. Columbia’s administration’s crisis management response to antisemitism being taught at its university was “committed to principles of free expression and the open exchange of viewpoints and perspectives,” in other words a free speech defense of hate speech directed at the only minority the left permits to hate:Jews.

I am not suggesting there exists a simple solution to a large and complex problem. Smooth words that whisper there is nothing to fear is not the answer.

British Jews experience this targeting and the normalizing of antisemetic behaviors when Jeremy Corbyn was the Leader of Labour. In the UK Jews make up just 275,000 of the population whereas Muslims compose several million voters. As the journalist Medhi Hasan observed antisemitism is UK Muslim’s “dirty little secret.” In a divided American electorate 200,000 Muslim voters in swing state Michigan may matter more to politician than 3 million Jewish votes in New York.

Antisemetic violence is at record highs. Even in New York City police crime statistics show huge increases in violence against Jews, many times greater than the demographic in second place.

At Columbia a video of individuals with their faces covered by Keffiyehs, interrupted a class on Israeli history, shouting down the professor attempting to give his lecture, demonstrating what the Columbia administration meant by “free expression and open exchange of ideas.”

What has worked? When wealthy Jewish alumna withheld or withdrew huge donations university boards acted. Law suits caused Harvard to adapt the INRA definition of antisemitism. DOE penalties for Title VI violations have caused universities to respond to threats to Jewish students.

In other words, American Jews cannot remain passive and advocate for free speech in hope that if we keep our heads down we might not be caught up in the populist pogrom. We do not need smooth words. We need leaders who understand action. You want we Jews to pretend it is not happening here. It is. We should act as swallows, not lambs bound for market.

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No mention of the human rights abuses that were relentlessly inflicted on Palestinians by Israel, an occupying force in violation of international law. No mention of AIPAC and its untoward influence on American politics.

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I am having difficulty being "generous" to viewpoints during a time when antisemitism is reaching stratospheric proportions. I'm sure being 2nd generation from the Holocaust, which murdered numerous members of my family, has much to do with this. I'm also seeing how history gets written and rewritten based on the decade. Mr. Goldenberg tries to encompass the stories and that's useful.

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Totally agree with Gail. Rabbinic leaders need to be in the public square speaking far more frequently, far more loudly, far more clearly about human rights and civil liberties. WE CAN'T HEAR YOU.

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Ilan, you may be interested in episode (from 2024) about this topic. https://thedisagreement.substack.com/p/episode-4-israel-and-american-jews

We would love to hear what you think.

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This is the first time I hae seen any Jewish person express the truth about the reality. Thank you for laying this out so beautifully. I have always defended the Jewish people however I am finding this more and more difficult becasue of one thing you briefly mention, " A vision that can support Israel’s right to exist as a secure Jewish democratic state". The problem with that is I only hear Netanyahu and the rightwing conservatives spouting an Isreal that is not Democratic and this I can not support. I would like to see more Jews speak out that Isreal needs to be a true Democracy instead of what it is today.

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This is literally the mainstream opinion of most Jews — if you haven’t heard it you haven’t bothered to listen

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I listen all the time and consume news from many sources and very few times do I hear this from Jews. What is mostly out in the media are right wingers that support Netanyahu and the conservative right. In your community you might be hearing otherwise but I suggest you listen across media and see what you find. The sentiments expressed in the article are not getting out to most Americans.

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I immediately subscribed when I saw this title popped up. This is the conversation I want to have. As I listened to the article (using the decent but sometimes headscratching ai voice) my most frequent reaction way, u-huh, u-huh. Looking forward to listening to more of your articles here.

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I love Israel, I detest Netanyahu. October 7th was an atrocity and Israel responded by defending itself. But it quickly became clear that the war in Gaza wasn't about defeating Hamas; it was about Bibi staying in office and out of jail. Nearly 50,000 Gazans are dead not because of Hamas' barbarity but because of Netanyahu's craven self-interest. I won't use the G word but I understand why people do.

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Glad that you will be sharing your insights. The headline news of a polarized American public divided between those who are anti-Israel and those who deny Palestinian national identity needs to be replaced by a more informed perspective.

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